
Hi this is my new web page. I hope you like it and take a good look at it.

computing club At Hollingworth Lake

My name is Hazel and I've been coming to the Booth Centre for a few years now.

I started to get interested in their activities when they first did a day out to Blackpool 5 years ago when the Centre first opened.

Since then I've been with them on camping, horse riding, cycling, walks and conservation work. We all like to think it a brilliant place to come, and we all have a really great time.

I've recently become involved with the new computer club, which is one of the many activities the centre offers. I'm no stranger to computers as I've done courses at college which involved the use of them.

We recently went on a team building weekend at Edale Youth Hostel, which involved loads of climbing, a night walk and a search and rescue. I particularly liked this as I used to do youth hostelling in the past and I thoroughly enjoyed myself, (despite the freezing cold).

I am currently taking a part time course of Basic Telematics which is learning all about the Internet at City College Manchester. This particular course is learning e-mailing, search engines and web paging.

At then end of each 4 month period, the members are all presented with certificates and that can prove to be of great benefit to the many users here who have had all sorts of social problems and find themselves at a disadvantage.

Here is my e-mail address


Document Links

Here is my e-mail address
This document was last modified on 2003-02-11 10:08:51.
The Booth Centre, Registered Charity No. 1062674.