
Hi, my name is Nicky. I'm working at the Booth Centre and at Minshull Street Drop in centre as part of a year with the Jesuit Volunteer Community. I also worked at Salford Cathedral Day Centre until I started work at Minshull Street-I had to wait for the paperwork to come through!

I decided to do this year to get some practical experience and to work with people. I'm really enjoying working at the Booth Centre. Everyone is really friendly and there are lots of different things to join in with. I've been helping to organise the local history walks which you can read about on our activities page. I enjoyed taking the digital camera out with us on the walks and getting everyone to take photos with it. The pictures have come out really well.I also recommend you look at the picture of Mike on his web-page. I think it's a great photo with a fantastic view of Alderly Edge behind him. He doesn't like his face on it!! Enjoy looking round the rest of the website. xxx

Click here to mail Nicky

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This document was last modified on 2003-01-30 14:01:52.
The Booth Centre, Registered Charity No. 1062674.