The Centre took on it's first allotment in 2002. At the August show 2003 our allotment was awarded a Highly Commended Certificate. This recognised the huge effort that the team had put into the project in just 12 months. Since then we have won prizes for our cabbages, onions and pumpkins. We have also built some raised beds and in April 2007 we have re-launched it as an allotment for people over 50 – to encourage older people to get active and productive. We are grateful for the support of Help the Aged, StreetSmart, the Barnabas Trust and the Good Gift Guide for supporting out allotement.

This document was last modified
2007-04-09 13:08:31.
The Booth Centre, Registered Charity No. 1062674.
The Booth Centre, Registered Charity No. 1062674.