The Garden


In the summer of 2001 we developed a new garden for the centre.

The aim was to extend the work of the centre through the development of a garden where people can drink in a supervised and supportive environment, but which also encourages people to make productive use of their time. People who use the centre worked on the design, building and planting of the garden. They are continuing to maintain and develop it. In August 2003 we won the Manchester In Bloom Garden competition and in 2004 we recieved a Merit Award from North West in Bloom.

The garden is the first wet garden in the country and marks a new way of working with street drinkers. It tackles the social exclusion, boredom and low self esteem that street drinkers experience by involving them in the practical work of creating and maintaining a pleasant garden.

The garden is open and staffed during the drop-in sessions. The staff ensure that it is a safe place where people are encouraged to talk and seek help to resolve problems.

The garden formed part of a reseach project by The Kings Fund of wet day centres in the UK. You can find out more about the research findings and recommendations about setting up similar projects on the Kings Fund website.

For more information you can download an evaulation report

This document was last modified on 2009-06-14 14:13:09.
The Booth Centre, Registered Charity No. 1062674.