Local History Walks

During November and December 2002 we've been on a series of local history walks around Manchester with a blue chip tour guide. We started with a general introductory walk and have since been on walks around Castlefield, China Town, UMIST, the victorian underworld and historic women. We have also visited the Pumphouse people's museum.

The walks have been very interesting, everyone enjoyed them. We took the digital camera with us and had great fun persuading each other to take photos or be in photos! There are some example photo's, from the china town walk, below. We're hoping to do some more walks later in the year, maybe including the Ghost tour of the town centre! There are more energetic walks on Fridays for the fitter members of the centre. These walks have recently been to Tatton Hall and Dunham massy (January 2003). The last walk was a mystery 6 mile walk which inspired a lot of inquisitive questions. It was a muddy walk along Mosley canal! We'll be featuring some of the pictures on the website shortly…!

Manchester's Chinese arch, by Mike, a volunteer Chinese Pagoda, by Alan A Chinese artefacts display cabinet, by Hazel
This document was last modified on 2003-02-12 17:04:41.
The Booth Centre, Registered Charity No. 1062674.