Other people make regular financial donations by direct debit, which provides us with an income we can rely on.
Examples of support
We receive support from many churches, schools, community groups companies and individuals. There are too many to name them all individually but we are grateful to each. The following gives a flavour of the different ways people help;
- Over 150 churches and schools make Harvest Festival collections for us
- 55 people have joined our 100 Club (there are 45 spare places!) and donate £2 a month by direct debit, with the chance of winning £55 each month
- Manchester Cathedral provide our accommodation, heating and lighting free of charge, as well as helping in many other ways
- Norden Methodist Church and St Thomas's Salford store all the tinned food which we collect at Harvest time, saving us thousands of pounds in storage costs
- St. Stephens Church in Audenshaw make a monthly delivery of fresh fruit and home baked lemon drizzle cake
- Chetham's School of Music hold regular music recitals where a collection is taken in aid of the Booth Centre
- Various Mothers Union groups knit woolly hats in winter and collect food for us
- The Manchester Masonic Lodge donated a new computer and printer to the Centre
- Manchester Reform Synagogue make regular financial donations to the centre
- GVA Grimley have nominated us as their charity of the year and their staff have done lots of fundraising events
We receive funding for specific areas of work from various Charitable Trusts. During 2006/7 we were grateful for support from;
- Awards For All
- The Barnabas Charitable Trust
- the Big Lottery Fund's Local Food scheme
- The Booth Charities
- The Dickenson Trust
- The Lloyds/TSB Foundation
- Landaid
- Homeless Link - Activating Places of Change Programme
- J.Paul Getty Jnr. Charitable Trust
- The Peter Kershaw Charitable Trust
- Streetsmart
We also receive support from various statutory authorities;
- The Homeless Direcorate at Communities and Local Government, with support from Manchester City Council
- Manchester City Council
- Manchester's Drug and Alcohol Strategy Team
We receive support from the Business Community. Including GVA Grimley, Barclays, KPMG and Faireshare
Other organisations support our work by providing outreach workers to work in our centre or through helping us to provide a range of activities. We appreciate the support of;
- Manchester Housing
- Homeless Advocacy Project
- Homeless Mental Health Team
- The Northern Quarter Project, Turning Point
- Counted In, ECHG
- The City Council Bio Diversity Team
- The Royal Exchange Theatre
- Manchester Art Gallery
- Streetwise Opera
- Opera North
- Y-club
The Booth Centre, Registered Charity No. 1062674.