To make an online donation simply click on the “Donate Now” button below. We will receive your whole donation, with no transaction charges. We can also re-claim tax under the gift aid scheme.
How you can help
We need help to continue to develop the centre. Donations of money, goods and time are all appreciated. These pages will give you more details of what we need and how you can help and examples of support we receive at the moment.
We need financial donations. You can make a one off or regular donation and choose to make your gift tax efficient if you wish. Simply down load, print out, fill in this form, then return it to us at the centre.
Alternatively, you can send a cheque, made payable to The Booth Centre, to us at The Booth Centre, Manchester Cathedral, Manchester M3 1SX or phone Amanda to discuss it on 0161 835 2499
Could you help us by organising a monthly or one off collection? We are always in need of; money, fresh fruit, tinned ham, men's toiletries, men's socks, biscuits and cakes.
We also need; tea, coffee, hot chocolate and cup-a-soups, tinned ham, corn beef and tuna, pot noodles, jam and potted meat, mayonnaise, piccalilli and salad cream.
We are always looking for volunteers who are able to work regular shifts of 2 mornings or afternoons a week. More information is available on the volunteering page.
Some organisations help us during Harvest but there are many other examples of support which we receive.
The Booth Centre, Registered Charity No. 1062674.